3 posts categorized "News"

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    An Awesome Experience

    Ekangarsaraiwideshot_1 Maharaji spoke in Barcelona about the India events, saying:

    060416bcnmk173 "I’ve done 20 events in 13 cities, flown 2,400 and some-odd nautical miles in a helicopter, flown a little over 24 hours all around India, and spoken to 1.7 and some million people there, plus the interview. Which actually makes it 14 places and 21 events."

    It is hard to put in words how India was for me.

    It was AWESOME!


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    About the Innerlink Blog

    It is incredible for me to see so much excitement in response to this blog. Thank you Maharaji, for giving us something worth writing about.

    I am only part of the small team that is making this happen. Sushi Davies is doing some of the writing and editing plus the web and email work (which is a lot). Mehau Kulyk is taking many of the photos and other members of the production crew are providing support on the road. Dunrite is providing the server infrastructure, with some initial help from Visions. With all that said, the blogs are the effort of a small group of volunteers, written from our individual perspectives and experiences. They do not represent any company or organization.

    I hope that we can make the posts more timely and keep up better with the events, though in India it may not be always possible. I have heard that the blog is being translated into four languages in Europe plus Japanese. Nice!


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    Maharaji on TV: "In Conversation"

    On the 3rd of March Maharaji taped an interview with Rajiv Mehrotra.

    Rajiv Mehrotra has a weekly chat show on Doordarshan television in India called "in Conversation"  He has interviewed many world leaders and celebrities.  Doordarshan is the first national TV station, accessible all across India.

    I was lucky to be invited to the interview which was in English and was very lively and informative.

    Yesterday (11th March) the interview aired on TV here in Delhi at 9:30 pm.

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