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The Ocean Within


How should it be in your life?

Hold onto the one thing that will save you from falling.  Don't hold onto illusions.   Human beings wander here and there, and there are always doubts.  The doubt will be: "will I be able to reach my goal?"

Where is your goal?
Your goal is within you.

_h9w1702 There is a drop of water in the ocean.  Everybody knows there is many drops of water in the ocean, but very few know that there is an entire ocean in a drop of water.

Its such a beautiful thing.

Where is that drop in which the entire ocean is?  That drop is not outside.  That drop is within you.

Where is that ocean?  Within you.

Those who know where that drop is, they know that the dripping will never stop.  It continues.  It brings bliss.  This is one thing that truly brings joy with it. Wi4z1189


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thanks for that,
now im going to have a little rendez vous with that dripping drop !

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. And from the top and the middle and each and every side of my heart,thank you. Thank you!

Oh Maharaji when i am with you,
i'm in Ecstasy.
Cosmic Consciousness,Oneness
Thank you for showing me how to be free.
Unconditional Love

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